: Google maps window replaced by Open Street Map
: Fix partly non-working summary statistics (#2)This package version requires R > 4.0!
Updated surfaceexposure
app now allows considering multiple mu
values when using the global fit functionality.
The filter
did not work anymore after changes in 'shiny'
; fixed.
The filter selector icons were deprecated, causing a warning in the terminal; fixed.
The app RCarb App
did not work anymore after changes in 'shiny'
The app scalegamma
started with an error message, because one option
for a chosen conversion factor was wrong; fixed.
PREVIEW: New application that scales the gamma dose rate
considering layer-to-layer variations in soil radioactivity. Base
function: Luminescence::scale_GammaDose()
. Keyword for app_RLum()
NOTE: This application will only start if the development version
0.9.x of the R package Luminescence
is installed as the function
is still under development.
New application to support the new R package RCarb
. Base function
. Keyword for app_RLum()
: ‘RCarb’
Removed and updated deprecated links from the “About”-tab in all applications.
New application that compares the OSL/IRSL stimulation power of
measurements performed on Freiberg Instruments lexsyg devices to check
the stability of the stimulation power (Contributed by Sebastian
Kreutzer). Keyword for app_RLum()
: ‘teststimulationpower’.
New application to calculate the fast ratio of CW-OSL curves after
Durcan and Duller (2011). Base function:
. Keyword for app_RLum()
New application to estimate the g-value from a table of Lx/Tx values
with corresponding waiting times since irradiation and to apply a
fading after Huntley & Lamothe (2001). Base functions:
. Keyword for app_RLum()
: ‘fading’.
New application to fit eq. 1 of Sohbati et al. (2012a) or eq. 12 of
Sohbati et al. (2012b) to OSL surface exposure data. Base function:
. Keyword for app_RLum()
Output panel showing the R code to reproduce the plot/calculation is now properly responsive and updates as soon as input widgets change.
Internal: server logic of most applications simplified.
Several minor bugfixes.
Major overhaul of the data input panel for most applications. Uploaded
text files are now imported via ‘data.table::fread()’, which
automatically detects the delimiter and potential headers. Hence, all
widgets related to data import are no longer required and were removed
The input data can now be directly manipulated in the newly added
spreadsheet(s) in the data input panels. The spreadsheets also allow
copy and pasting of data, so uploading a file is no longer the only
way to provide user data (#12
New Dashboard addin added. The dashboard provides access to all available applications in the package and can be accessed either (i) through the addin dropdown menu in the RStudio IDE or (ii) by running ‘app_RLum()’ without any keyword.
Implemented newest shiny feature (v0.14) to bookmark the current app state. All apps now include a bookmark button, which returns a URL query string that can be used to restore the app’s state at any later time.
New application to plot filter combinations along with the optional
net transmission. Base function:
. Keyword for app_RLum()
‘filter’. External contribution by Urs Tilmann Wolpert
(Justus-Liebig-University Giessen) and Sebastian Kreutzer (Universite
Bordeaux Montaigne).
New package dependencies: ‘shinydashboard’, ‘rhandsontable’, ‘data.table’, ‘readxl’
Internal: R dcoumentation re-written in Markdown using ‘roxygen2 >=6.0.0’
Several minor bugfixes.
New application to transform CW OSL curves (keyword ‘transformCW’) using the functions ‘CW2pHMi’, ‘CW2pLM’, ‘CW2pLMi’ and ‘CW2pPMi’ of the R package ‘Luminescence’.
Removed UI elements that used now deprecated function arguments.
Added new UI elements for arguments added to functions after version 0.4.2 of the ‘Luminescence’ package.
Removed the database feature in the abanico plot application.
Removed dependencies on ‘digest’ and ‘RCurl’.
Removed all ‘Exit’ buttons.
Code output to reproduce the plots is now generated dynamically and should be more reliable.
R Luminescence Package Team now properly mentioned as contributors.
Fixed many typos.